
Thursday 25 August 2016

Our Little Darling Krishna

The whole town of gokul was decorated like a beautiful bride..the people hopped around in happiness. it seemed to be the biggest festival.. indeed it was! as it was their sweet little krishna's 1st year birthday. The cutest little child of their nand maharaj has grown up into a mighty 1 year old "aww! Look at him! he is so cute.. isn't he kamala?" Asked one of the lady enjoying the movements of the little bundle of joy in the cradle."Indeed he is maalti.. my little kanha is the supercutest of all! And his smile.. oh my god! Don't know how many girls would faint seeing his charming smile.." the giggles of the ladies subsided by the soft tinkling sound of anklets. 

"You girls don't have any other work than eyeing my little kanha all day. do you?" "Calm down yashoda my sister! We are not going to eat up your son so soon.." the sarcastic remark of maalti made everyone giggle again. 
Yashoda took little krishna in her arms "my darling baby!" She kissed him. 

The whole town celebrated his birthday in a joyful way. He came as a blessing to the world. with a mischievous glint in his small little orbs and a lot of love in his heart for other. his one smile that could melt the hearts of gokul and his humbleness towards the common people made him more lovable . The master of all the pranks he was..and that's what he is adorned for. his innocent mischiefs has no ends.. He lit the world bright with his courageous deeds-by distroying the dark and throwing light towards the rightful path.

"Mother.. i wasn't stealing anything. The idol to which you showed all these laddoos wasn't eating any, so i thought to eat it all by myself..  that's all!"  He said with all his innocence that yashoda couldn't hold on to being angry anymore. She just threw her arms around his little figure and a sweet smile crept upon her lips. 

His antics created blunder in the whole gokul but his one smile swept off the angry glares from their faces.

 "Mother!! see what your baby darling is upto! He's eating mud!" 

Balaram's complaint made yashoda worried as she asked her son to open his mouth and show if he is eating any mud as said by balaram. And the site of whole bhramhand in that small little mouth made her feel sick. "May be i should rest a while"  "See.. even mother don't say anything to you. ever!" balaram shook his head in disbelief as krishna gave a toothy grin.

His miracles shocked everyone but later they became used to his unending bravery and chamatkaar's..

Nand maharaj looked worried at the sight of a huge body of female demon lying on the ground but what shook him was the little krishna playing near that lifeless body. "Look at kanha. How he's fearlessly playing near that ugly demon"  "she was the one who used to change appearance and kill small kids"  "yes..yes.. look how huge she is.." were the talks that took place when people gathered around. 

The 'makhan chor' he was.. 

"yumm… i love this" he was relishiong the butter when his angry mother made her presence "kanha!! Kanha! Where are you?!" She scanned all the hall but failed to find him. "I'm up here, dear mother!" Came a sweet voice. Yashoda's eyes widen seeing him hanging to the big butter pot that was literally empty by now.. "kanha! Get down from there! Right now." She roared in fake anger. How could anyone be anger at him that too when he looked so adorable with all that butter spread across his face, that was next to impossible. 'Oh no..! mother is so angry with me.. may be even she wanted to taste the butter,' he looked at the empty pot and then at his little hands that were covered with butter, 'may be i can share atleast this much butter with her' he slowly climbed down and forwarded his hands to her 
"sorry that i've finished all the butter mother! But you can have this. Would it be enough for you?" That innocence in his eyes made her fake anger to vanish in thin air. As she rolled her eyes in defeat "oh! it's more than i wanted, my child!" she soon took him in her embrace. 

Time passed with all his mischieves, bravery and wins against all the trap led by his uncle 'kans'.

His basuri's(flute) melodious tune creates a sense of peace into the listeners mind and heart.. that one forgets all his worries that he was in. Even animals and nature enjoyed his company..

"Wah! Truely kanha plays his flute so beautifully.. it's so melodious & peaceful that i'm feeling sleepy now.." said one if his male friend before drifting into a peaceful slumber. As other closed their eyes feeling every bit of the soulful music.

Admist all such dangerous adventures his playful nature never turned serious. He was still the cute little kanha for his loved ones. His pranks, his helpful nature, his bravery, his knowledge, his love remained in our heart forever. Our little krishna kanhaiyya will always be a little child in all our hearts who's name always bring a smile on one's face involuntarily and will always be the same till eternity.

Happy krishna janmashtami to all!! Have lots of fun and keeping loving our darling little nand laal..

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